Duration 4:42

Describe A Time When You Had To Give Advice To Someone -IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic

119 watched
Published 28 Jun 2023

Describe A Time When You Had To Give Advice To Someone -IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic Describe A Time When You Had To Give Advice To Someone - talk about a time when you gave advice to someone cue card jan-april 2021 with explanation||. ielts speaking part 3 - describe a time when you gave advice to others. describe a time when you give advice to someone i sep to dec latest cue card i band 8 sample answer. ielts speaking part 2 - describe a time when you gave advice to someone. In this video, I share a personal story about a time when I had to give advice to someone. The situation involved my childhood friend, Alice, who was facing a career dilemma. I provide insights into the problem she was facing, the advice I gave, and how she reacted to it. Throughout the story, I use idioms such as "weigh the pros and cons" and "align with her aspirations" to emphasize the importance of thoughtful decision-making. Join me as I delve into this impactful experience and explore the power of offering guidance. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more engaging content!


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