Duration 10:35

ريفيو | واي بروتين من شركه أدفانسد سبورتس نيوترشن Advanced Sports Nutrition Review UAE

9 976 watched
Published 12 Nov 2019

صفحتهم علي الانستجرام : https://www.instagram.com/asn.egypt/ هل الاسبرتام أمن ؟ من اكبر موقع علمي معتمد FDA أه امن و مش مضر https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/additional-information-about-high-intensity-sweeteners-permitted-use-food-united-states Aspartame Aspartame is approved for use in food as a nutritive sweetener. Aspartame brand names include Nutrasweet®, Equal®, and Sugar Twin®. It does contain calories, but because it is about 200 times sweeter than table sugar, consumers are likely to use much less of it. FDA approved aspartame in 1981 (46 FR 38283) for uses, under certain conditions, as a tabletop sweetener, in chewing gum, cold breakfast cereals, and dry bases for certain foods (i.e., beverages, instant coffee and tea, gelatins, puddings, and fillings, and dairy products and toppings). In 1983 (48 FR 31376), FDA approved the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages and carbonated beverage syrup bases, and in 1996, FDA approved it for use as a "general purpose sweetener." It is not heat stable and loses its sweetness when heated, so it typically isn’t used in baked goods. Aspartame is one of the most exhaustively studied substances in the human food supply, with more than 100 studies supporting its safety. FDA scientists have reviewed scientific data regarding the safety of aspartame in food and concluded that it is safe for the general population under certain conditions. However, people with a rare hereditary disease known as phenylketonuria (PKU) have a difficult time metabolizing phenylalanine, a component of aspartame, and should control their intake of phenylalanine from all sources, including aspartame. Labels of aspartame-containing foods and beverages must include a statement that informs individuals with PKU that the product contains phenylalanine. مصادر اللي بالعربي : - ما هو ال BCAA ( موقع أيجي فتنس ) https://www.egyfitness.com/bcaa/ - ماهو الواي بروتين و انواعه ( موقع أيجي فتنس ) https://www.yallafitnessacademy.com/2018/04/Whey-Protein-Types.html - ماهو الانبادي Inbody Test ( موقع أيجي فتنس ) https://www.egyfitness.com/inbody2/ الفيديو بتاعي لشرح الانبادي عملي ! /watch/s9801=t&AgkRQYIwhSqw0 مصادر اللي بالانجليزي : What is whey protein https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/whey-protein-101 What is BCAA https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/bcaa What is Inbody Test https://inbodyusa.com/general/inbody-test/ --------------------------------------------------- صفحتنا علي الفيسبوك https://www.facebook.com/dietopiahealthyfood فولو صفحتنا علي الانستجرام : https://www.instagram.com/dietopiahealthyfood/ جروب الفيسبوك : https://www.facebook.com/groups/dietopia/?ref=bookmarks For Business Inquiries : contact@dietopia.me بوستات الصفحه حتلاقوها علي هاشتاج #dietopia #دايتوبيا --------------------------------------------------- بلاي ليست لريفيوهات عن منتجات : /playlist/PLtxjIw7b5VkgNA5oes_iVvmvbvU3cNl8h - بلاي ليست لمواضيع عن الدايت / الحياه الصحيه : /playlist/PLtxjIw7b5VkhQCJbYtXDaa-_CHOI6m9t2 - بلاي ليست للمخبوزات الصحيه : /playlist/PLtxjIw7b5VkgMjH9xv5wLku2dNqK-ZRnE - بلاي ليست لوصفات كيتو دايت / منخفضه النشويات /playlist/PLtxjIw7b5Vkj0vdQtL35PrkopYVx7IuA2 - بلاي ليست أكلات بالشوفان : /playlist/PLtxjIw7b5Vkh8_7ibBcQ1auOC1SsbbOO_ --------------------------------------------------- فيديوهاتMashup : - 3 أكلات صحيه بأستخدام الميكروويف فقط ! /watch/QmG_5jhaQQpa_ - 3 طرق للتونه مش حتقدر تستغني عنها /watch/s9=t&Is3zvme9XW79t - 3 طرق لعمل الفراخ بطريقه صحيه /watch/owsII6c6-1C6I - 4 أنواع مختلفه من العصائر الصحيه /watch/s7=t&soJ68aS358C3t - 3 طرق لعمل البيض ! مافيش بيض مسلوق تاني ! /watch/s741=t&Is9rqQTdN47d1 - 3 طرق لعمل الشوفان مش حتقدر تستغني عنه ! /watch/s36=t&w82uLrIOs2-O= - 3 طرق لاستخدام بذور الشيا /watch/Uav8o98xBoox8


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